‘Building Safety with Trauma-informed Yoga’ Yoga Teaching Training Workshop Resources

Please explore these many resources (MP3s, MP4s, and Handouts/Transcripts) as you consider trauma recovery and yoga as a healing tool. CLICK green for the Resources:

I. GreenTREE Yoga® MP3s, MP4s, and Handouts

A. One-hour Workshop Yoga Practice (MP4)

B. Two-Minute Support Materials (MP4)

C. Being Trauma-informed Shorts: Sharing Breathwork (MP4)

D. Ten Free Trauma-informed Yoga Breaks to use and to share

(MP3s, MP4s, and handouts)

E. The Brain Bonus: Eight short modules to learn more about the science of trauma and yoga. (MP4s, MP3s, and transcripts)

II. Handouts/Links in Follow-up Email

A. GreenTREE Yoga® Handouts

1) How to Find Trauma-informed Yoga

2) Manage Your Breath, Manage Your Response

3) Reference List from PowerPoint

4) Sample Short Post-class Evaluation

B. Links for Articles:

1) Bessel Van der Kolk, MD: Why Mindfulness is Not Enough

2) Bessel Van der Kolk, MD: Yoga and PTSD

3) Peter Levine, PhD: What Resets Our Nervous System After Trauma

III. Resources for Inspiring Webinars and Articles on Somatically-based Approaches to Trauma Recovery

A. For an engaging and inspiring interview with Dr. Bessel van der Kolk (50 min mp3), "On Being” with Krista Tippit: Bessel van der Kolk, MD

B. NICABM: National Institute on Clinical and Behavioral Medicine. Articles FREE RESOURCES: Drs. Bessel van der Kolk, Pat Ogden, Peter Levin. Webinar series by these and other key contributors include MP4s, MP3s, transcripts.

C. Trauma Research Foundation: Dr. Bessel van der Kolk’s foundation: studies, trainings, and programs.

I.A. One-hour Trauma-informed Yoga Practice to use and to share.

1.B. Two-minute video to explain available support materials for teaching or for clinical use.

I.C. Being Trauma-informed Shorts: Sharing Breathwork (5:00)