These five Science Made Simple modules are supplemental materials for this book: Trauma-informed Yoga for Pain Management.

Click for all five modules on a YouTube Playlist. (or watch below)

Science Made Simple Modules

Module 1: The Basics (11:08)

Module 2: Your Stress Cycle (7:20)

Module 3: The Breath (8:46)

Module 4: Stretching and Moving (8:59)

Module 5: To Learn and to Unlearn (8:20)

Be informed and be inspired! 

Each module includes a break for you.

Available in MP4s to watch, MP3s to listen to, and as transcripts to read (PDFs) below.


Time Stamped: 0:10  International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) Pain definition 0:41 What is the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis? 1:27  What is a Neuron?3:37 Dr Eric Kandel? 4:14 How is an ability to learn relevant to pain management?4:29 The chemistry of breathing 5:46 What is Nocioceptive Pain?6:32 What is Somatosensory? 6:06 What is Neuropathic Pain? 6:46  What is Chronic Pain? Learned Pain? Phantom Limb Pain? 7:28 The Tell-tale Brain by V.S. Ramachandran

Time Stamped: O:41 What is hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis?1:13 Short-term stress benefits? 1:29 Long-term stress causes?2:13 Can you manage your HPA axis? 3:05 The Wise Heart Jack Kornfield 3:08 Mindfulness3:36 How can someone manage stress with a stretching break 5:24 How can someone manage stress with a mindful breathing break?

Time Stamped: 0:10  The Breath and Pain Management 0:35  The Science of longer breaths in (Inhalations) The Polyvagal Theory 1:17  The Science of longer breaths out (exhalations) 3:40 Manage Stress by Choosing How to Breathe 4:00 The Mechanics of Breathing 4:29 The chemistry of breathing 5:01 Over Breathing 5:03 Hyperventilation 5:19 Panic attach   5:35  Under Breathing 5:51 Hypoventilation  6:40 The Physiological Sigh

Time Stamped: 0:14 How does Stretching and Moving provide Pain Relief? 0:52 How does it Improve Range of Motion (ROM)? 1:14 How does it Improve Circulation? 1:34 How does it reduce inflammation? 2:08 How does it improve immune function? 2:20 How does it improve bone health? 2:42 How can we move better? 3:06 Moshe Feldenkrais  4:37 Strengthening and Core 5:15 Why is Alignment Important?

Time stamped: 0:46 What is learning? 1:04 Why is practice important? 1:38 Neuroplasticity 2:07 The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis 2:35 How do we UNLEARN? 2:44 Norman Doidge, MD The Brain's Way of Healing 4:37 What is the role of Stress in Learning?

TRANSCRIPTS (PDFs to download)
Module 1:
The Basics Module 4: Stretching and Moving

Module 2: Your Stress Cycle Module 5: To Learn and To Unlearn

Module 3: The Breath

Please consult a health care professional if you have any questions about your ability to practice simple stretching, gentle strengthening, and mindful breathing. These ideas are NOT medical advice.