‘Building Safety with Trauma-informed Yoga’ Health Care Resources

Please explore these many resources (MP3s, MP4s, and Handouts/Transcripts) as you consider trauma recovery and yoga as a healing tool. CLICK on the green text for the Resources:

I. Workshop ‘Yoga for You’ Videos to Use and to Share

A. Part 1: ‘Yoga for You’ 30-min Practice (MP4)

B. Part 2: ‘Yoga for You’ 30-min Practice (MP4)

II. Handouts/Links in Your Follow-up Email

A. GreenTREE Yoga® Handouts

1) How to Find Trauma-informed Yoga

2) Manage Your Breath, Manage Your Response

3) Reference List from PowerPoint

4) Sample Short Post-class Evaluation

B. GreenTREE Yoga® MP3s, MP4s, and Handouts

1) Two-Minute Video on Support Materials (MP4)

2) Building Safety Shorts: Sharing Breathwork (MP4) 5-minutes

3) Ten Free Trauma-informed Yoga Breaks to use and to share

(MP3s, MP4s, and handouts)

4) The Brain Bonus: Eight short modules to learn more of the science of trauma and yoga. (MP4s, MP3s, and transcripts)

C. Links for Articles:

1) Bessel Van der Kolk, MD: Why Mindfulness is Not Enough

2) Bessel Van der Kolk, MD: Yoga and PTSD

3) Peter Levine, PhD: What Resets Our Nervous System After Trauma

D. Resources for Inspiring Webinars and Articles on Somatically-based Approaches to Trauma Recovery

1) For an engaging and inspiring interview with Dr. Bessel van der Kolk (50 min mp3), "On Being” with Krista Tippit: Bessel van der Kolk, MD

2) NICABM: National Institute on Clinical and Behavioral Medicine. Webinars/articles FREE RESOURCES

3) Drs. Bessel van der Kolk, Pat Ogden, Peter Levine, Daniel Siegel. Stephen Porges, and others. Formats include mp4, mp3, transcripts, and ideas on practical applications.

4) Trauma Research Foundation: Dr. Bessel van der Kolk’s foundation: studies, trainings, and programs.

I.A. Part 1. ‘Yoga for You’ 30-min Practice

I. B. Part 2: ‘Yoga for You’ 30-min Practice (MP4)

B.1. Two-minute video to explain available support materials for teaching or for clinical use.

B.2. Being Trauma-informed Shorts: Sharing Breathwork (5:00)